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Domina with members of her farming cooperative in Rwanda.

Food and farming

Agriculture today leans heavily towards industrial agriculture, driven by governments and transnational.

We believe this model of agriculture is environmentally damaging with its heavy reliance on chemical inputs, industrialized seeds, and corporate supply chains. It does not value the effort of millions of women food producers, farmers, indigenous communities who produce the food and care for our environment

Together with our global partners, we support sustainable agriculture as a way to enhance the resilience of smallholders against climate change. We aim to improve food security and livelihoods for the most needed, particularly by addressing the inequalities that exclude women, indigenous groups, young people and others. We work with social movements to challenge industrial and corporate agriculture, and to support women’s access to markets.

What we do

  • We challenge industrial and corporate agriculture and the false solutions it offers, such as climate-smart agriculture, industrial agriculture and seed policies
  • We use evidence-driven advocacy to create support women farmers’ access to national and international markets
  • We advocate for public financing for women farmers and agroecology
  • We promote agroecology as a real alternative to industrial agriculture, which enables food remains where it is most needed, and enhances farmers’ resili-ence against climate change.


The European Investment Bank’s development and climate finance – what’s in it for sustainable agriculture?

European Investment Bank supports climate-harmful industrial agriculture projects in the Global South, report finds

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“The fish in the river are gone”- Fishing communities devastated by El Nino-induced drought, as Zimbabwe joins Malawi and Zambia in declaring a state of disaster

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Rooted Resilience: a year of stories.

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Image of Fatou standing among crops, looking at the camera

The Gambia: Agroecology

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US agriculture announcements at COP27 are ‘patronising and harmful’, says ActionAid

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Dead livestock found inside/outside the community of Ceel-Dheere, Somaliland.

Aid workers on frontline of drought in East Africa respond to FCDO funding announcement

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“The fish in the river are gone”- Fishing communities devastated by El Nino-induced drought, as Zimbabwe joins Malawi and Zambia in declaring a state of disaster

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US agriculture announcements at COP27 are ‘patronising and harmful’, says ActionAid

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Dead livestock found inside/outside the community of Ceel-Dheere, Somaliland.

Aid workers on frontline of drought in East Africa respond to FCDO funding announcement

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Afghanistan - Fundraising Images

ActionAid: Afghans deserve better

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Halwo Ibrahim Mohamed, a farmer, from Ceel-Hume, Somaliland

New research: Local food and fuel prices more than triple in some of the world’s most at risk communities

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Women collect water in Xidhinta, Somaliland

ActionAid responds to the latest IPCC report

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Nalishebo's family faced a hunger crisis as poor harvests hit the Nalolo region of Zambia.

Will the UN Food Systems Summit really solve hunger and climate change?

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Facilitators and Farmers outside an ActionAid agroecology school in Bangladesh

Our future is in respect for natural ecosystems

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A woman farmer harvesting crops in a field

Trade deal negotiations must be paused during the Covid-19 crisis

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A woman farmer in Brazil

Respecting, protecting, fulfilling the right to food in times of Covid-19

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A photo of some cows in a farmer's field

Less and better meat, dairy and eggs in the Farm to Fork Strategy

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Rooted Resilience: a year of stories.

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Image of Fatou standing among crops, looking at the camera

The Gambia: Agroecology

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Ceel-Giniseed Migrant Community

East Africa Food Crisis: Ceel-Giniseed

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Amina Jama Ismail, 40 year-old mother from Hidhinta, Somaliland.

East Africa Food Crisis: Xidhinta

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A thriving farm despite the drought, from Ceel-Hume, Somaliland

East Africa Food Crisis: Ceel-Hume

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Aerial photograph of Giro-Sumo IDP camp , Somaliland.

East Africa Food Crisis: Giro-Sumo IDP Camp

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The European Investment Bank’s development and climate finance – what’s in it for sustainable agriculture?

European Investment Bank supports climate-harmful industrial agriculture projects in the Global South, report finds

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Ceel-Dheere Community

Doubly Devastating: Local communities disproportionately affected by food, fuel, and fertiliser price rises

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Mavis, a young smallholder farmer in Zimbabwe

Covid-19 Food Crisis: Monitoring research

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Mavis and Berita at the millet and sorghum crops, short season variety as part of the Crisis Modifier programme

It’s time to address the impact of EU food systems on the Global South

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A woman farming with her baby in her arms

Right to Food, Farmers’ Rights & COVID-19

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A photo of Mary, a farmer in western Kenya

We mean business: protecting women’s rights in global supply chains

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