ActionAid International’s Strategy - Action for Global Justice - is the next step in our evolution. It roots us more deeply in the places where we work, and connects us more strongly to the people we work with.
We’ve built on what we’ve learned from our previous strategy, People’s Action to End Poverty, and from our experience.
ActionAid staff, external experts and allies worldwide, partners and the people we work with have all contributed to this strategy.
A pivotal moment
Efforts to create a more just, equitable and sustainable world are more important than ever. We need to evolve and unite with others to contribute as effectively as we can.
The rapidly changing context in which we work requires us to be agile in our decision making: innovating and adapting to external shifts.
Over the next ten years, we’ll build international momentum for social, economic and environmental justice, driven by people who are excluded and who live in poverty.