Believe in Better working paper
A working paper on young people's inclusion in national follow up, review and accountability processes of the 2030 agenda for sustainable development
This is an independent working paper developed in partnership between ActionAid and the Office of the UN Secretary-General’s Envoy on Youth, supported by the Major Group for Children and Youth, and Restless Development.
The working paper aims to document promising case studies of young people’s current participation in follow-up, review and accountability processes, especially at local and national levels based on principles of meaningful engagement; highlight how an intersectional analysis highlights differences in how young people’s participation in monitoring and accountability is experienced; understand young people’s demands and recommendations for meaningful inclusion in national follow-up, review and accountability processes of the SDGs; encourage national governments, multilateral organizations and civil society to take action to create participatory mechanisms, ensuring that young people can access and create relevant spaces (including translocal), and contribute to the formal follow-up and review processes of the SDGs; and provide recommendations to work towards building social trust and inter-generational solidarity.
The working paper is aimed at governments, parliamentarians, UN and multi-lateral agencies, civil society organisations, and youth-led and youth serving organisations and networks.